Lolly: "There Can Be No Room For Error"

Written by 
Chris Brown
 min read
Lolly: "There Can Be No Room For Error"

Age Identification Software Automates the Process and Makes it Happen EVERY Time

It’s a fact that it is illegal to sell alcohol to minors[1]. Where retailers are caught selling to those under 18, they can be fined or worse still be stripped of their license[2]. Yet, in contrast, in 2018, 39% of 11-15-year-old English pupils who drank alcohol said they bought it[3].

Last month, Lolly, the hospitality technology specialist, launched LollyVerify – a facial recognition system, which helps hospitality providers automate the process of verifying a customer’s age.

Peter Moore, CEO at Lolly, comments: “These are alarming statistics, and hospitality providers should be doing everything in their power to avoid selling alcohol to minors. We launched LollyVerify because we know that the technology can help to automate what is often an arduous task, ensuring that the age is checked EVERY time.”

Built using an age estimation algorithm, the camera activates and reviews the age of the customer wishing to make the purchase. There is no picture taken, but instead, the software simply compares digital face markers to ascertain the age of the purchaser and prompts the server with a ‘please verify age’ message if they are potentially below the age required. The technology delivers consistency and objectivity every time.

Moore adds: “Since we launched our facial recognition tool, we have had a great deal of interest, as hospitality providers see the benefit in automating what can often be a slow process. We’re looking forward to demoing the tool at The Restaurant & Bar Tech Live event, where stand visitors will have the chance to verify their own ages – if they want to!”

*No picture is ever stored using this system
**The system is independently certified (ACCS 1:2020 Technical Requirements for Age Estimation Technologies)


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